Assetino Lighting is a web-based data management and visualization solution. Its easy-to-use interface and sophisticated tools are designed to help local authorities and other organizations store, manage and display all street lighting-related data (switchboards, poles, cables, cable cabinets, lamps etc.).
The application is used by numerous municipalities in the Czech Republic and Slovakia. In addition to the apparent daily assignments, the office workers use Assetino Lighting to help them with other tasks. Below you can read more about some of them.
Valid data for strategic documents and grants requests
Street lighting is a very important part of every local government agenda. Furthermore, it is technically and financially demanding - strategic planning of this area is therefore crucial. Assetino Lighting provides accurate and up-to-date data for various strategic documents and grant proposals. It also represents a well-suited environment for strategic data display.
Up-to-date data for city engineering maps
Any municipal government of a larger city should have a detailed engineering map at its disposal. This large scale map displays numerous data layers, therefore bringing it up-to-date is a time-consuming process (which is usually carried out annually). Since Assetino Lighting is used on a daily basis, it represents a great source of relevant information on electric cables, poles, lamps etc.
For the city of Havlickuv Brod we set up an automatic interconnection between an Engineering map application and Assetino Lighting. It allows for an effortless comparison of electric cable outlines in these two data sources.
Christmas decoration and other objects installed on street light poles inventory
There are many objects attached to or suspended from street lights: loudspeakers, traffic lights, cameras, advertising banners, hanging planters etc. To keep records of such objects Assetino Lighting provides a special module called “object register”. Besides systematized data administration it allows its users to create their own object types. For instance, in Klasterec nad Ohri it is used for Christmas street decoration planning.
Smart City ready
For the cities that want to fully employ modern technologies, we offer Smart Assetino Lighting. This special extension interconnects Assetino with various online data transmitters (IoT sensors) attached to street lights. The integration allows Assetino users to visualize and analyze street lighting consumption, temperature of individual lights and other values. It also provides tools for remote control and efficient maintenance of the whole street lighting system. Find out more about our Smart City solutions!