Jack Dangermond, Founder and CEO of Environmental Systems Research Institute, Inc. (Esri), received the Planet and Humanity Medal from the International Geographical Union (IGU). This award is only given every four years to people who have made contributions in the political or policy community that have impacted the world in a positive way. Jack Dangermond is the first person in the private sector to receive this prestigious award.


Esri's founder, Jack Dangermond, was awarded the Planet and Humanity Medal by the International Geographical Union. Jack Dangermond has done more to advance geography and create opportunities for its employment than any individual in history, says IGU in its 2021 Awards Announcement.

Jack Dangermond is a longtime advocate of geography and GIS tools that enable the use of geographic knowledge in many areas of human activity. He says, "Geography helps us to better understand and solve the current problems of the world.” In response to the award, Jack expressed gratitude to all GIS users saying that the IGU was honoring their collective work in advancing GIS over the past decades. “Today, GIS is helping professionals from virtually every field apply geographic science and thinking to their work. This is impacting hundreds of thousands of organizations; helping them understand, make better decisions and in turn contributing to almost every aspect of our modern society. GIS is ultimately making the world a better place.”

We add our congratulations and agree with Jack's words from the bottom of our hearts. At T-Mapy we also believe that geoinformatics helps us to create sophisticated information that can significantly improve our decision-making. This contributes to building and planning more sustainable cities, regions and, in general, improving the environment for all of us. You can find more information about our SmartCity concept on our website.